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Saturday, April 02, 2011


We are very excited to offer you a stunning range of Westcountry Lupins that will blow you away with their choice of colour, strength and stature.

Westcountry Lupins are bred by the famous Westcountry Nurseries who hold the national collection of Lupins and have also won gold medals at Chelsea Flower Show.

The plants are FRESH IN and are selling well. Now is an ideal time to plant to ensure a stunning display in June
Lupinus 'Beefeater'
Vibrant, almost pure red flowers, slight yellow flecked standards. Straight strong spires mid season. Ht 75cm/2.5'
Lupinus 'Gladiator'
Vibrant orange and yellow bicolour. Late season. Ht 75cm/2.5'
Lupinus 'Manhatten Lights'
Bicolour of purple bells and yellow standards. Mid season reaching 3'/90cm in height
Lupinus 'Persian Slipper'
Lovely lagoon blue with white fleck. Compact habit. Early season. Ht 90cm/3'
Lupinus 'Saffron'
Rich lemony yellow self, slender flower spikes. Mid season. Ht to 90cm/3'
Lupinus 'Red Rum'
Superb red with white fleck. Long flowering season. Early season reaching 90cm/3
Lupinus 'Tequila Flame'
Red and yellow bicolour. A good focal plant. Late season. Ht 90cm/3'
Lupinus 'Blossom'
Lovely pink on white flushed lupin. Much admired. Mid flowering season Ht 2.5'/75cm

Lupinus 'Masterpiece'
Rich purple lupin with orange fleck in standards. Sharply pointed spikes, early season. Excellent form. Ht 75cm/2.5'
Lupinus 'Salmon Star'
Lovely coppery orange self, vigorous. Early season. Ht 90cm/3'

Care and Advice of Westcountry Lupins 
(from Westcountry Nurseries)

With the earliest of our new varieties forming flower buds by mid April, the first bells and standards start to open at the base of the flower stem by Mid May. A week later the whole flower stem is a mass of plump rounded bells and standards opened out like the wings of a butterfly. Masterpiece, Red head, Imperial Robe, Red Arrow, Bishop's Tipple and Terracotta are amongst the first out, quickly followed by Blossom, Persian Slipper, Manhattan Lights, Desert Sun, Red Rum, Saffron, and Salmon Star. Last to arrive on the scene for their catwalk appearance are Polar Princess, Tequila Flame, Gladiator and Towering Inferno. Buy from a good source, keep hoeing to keep the moisture in the soil, spray at the first sign of any insect attack and feed a little bonemeal or seaweed before and during the growing season. You will be rewarded with great spires in every colour, the humming of bumble bees during the glorious summer days as they go about their relentless quest for nectar, and flowers which look great in the borders, fantastic in a vase. Their perfume is distinct, filling the air with a heady peppery, mossy scent and very much more noticeable indoors. Strip the foliage and side shoots first or the florets will drop. Plunge into water and enjoy a big, colourful display for a good week.

The latin name for lupin, Lupinus, is derived from lupus meaning wolf or destroyer. Because lupins will grow in poor soil they have also attracted the misleading idea that they can destroy the fertility of the soil. This is not true; lupins make their own nitrogen enabling them to grow in poorer soils but not chalk. Ideally a well drained, neutral to slightly acidic soil will ensure 100% success but most soils will be fine.

Pretty much any climate will be tolerated by lupins. They are very hardy herbaceous perennials, withstanding frost to at least -25C. In very wet conditions, lupins may sucumb to crown rot but if well established, will survive most conditions.

Just like us lupins love the sun and their flower spikes will follow its movement east to west on a bright day. However, we have lupins growing on a north facing site which thrive just as happily. Full sun is said to improve the colour of the flower spikes too.
Because lupins flower primarily in the month of flaming June they coincide with a popular time for couples tying the knot. If you want to be original take some beautiful lupin florets as confetti, strip the blooms just before you set off. As a statement plant in the border, few plants can match the tall, colourful lupin spire. They make excellent pot plants too which is not an idea usually associated with this genus. Put one or two on your patio and enjoy a heavenly morning and evening scent reminiscent of peppery moss.

Westcountry Lupins 2L/3L pot £8.99

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